Lecture of Prof. Domagoj Delimar, MD, PhD, in the AMZH

Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences (AMZH) is organising the Public Lecture “Total Hip Endoprosthesis Implantation in Patients with High-Grade Hip Dysplasia: The Acetabulum and Femur Reconstruction Operational Techniques” (Lecturer: Prof. Domagoj Delimar, MD, PhD, Full Member of AMZH), which will take place on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at 18:00 hours […]

13th International Conference of CCS "Geoheritage, Geoinformation, and Cartography"

Croatian Cartographic Society (CCS) and the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb are organising the 13th International Conference “Geoheritage, Geoinformation, and Cartography”, which will take place on September 7-9, 2017, in Selce, Croatia. Detailed information is available in the Conference Call. In accordance with the multi-annual tradition, the Croatian […]


Dear Madams and Sirs Members of the Croatian Academy of Engineering,   We are pleased to invite you to participate at the  Round Table Discussion TODAY’S CHALLENGES IN THE ENERGETICS, which is being organised by the Committee for Economic and Regional Co-operation of the Croatian Academy of Engineering and  Nikola […]

Interni natječaj za izbor nove Uprave HATZ-a za mandat 2017-2021.

03.04.2017.     AKADEMIJA TEHNIČKIH ZNANOSTI HRVATSKE – HATZ Kačićeva 28 10 000 Zagreb INTERNI NATJEČAJ   ZA IZBOR NOVE UPRAVE AKADEMIJE TEHNIČKIH ZNANOSTI HRVATSKE U MANDATU 2017-2021.     Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske, prema odredbama čl. 25 i 33 Statuta Akademije i odluci sa 16. sjednice Predsjedništva Akademije, održane 27. […]

NAE's Spotlight on Engineering, Technology, and Policy (March 16, 2017, and March 30, 2017)

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE USA) has published the new issues of its e-Bulletin “NAE’s Spotlight on Engineering, Technology, and Policy” (March 16, 2017, and March 30, 2017). NAE is a Member of CAETS (International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, the Member of which is HATZ, […]

9th International Conference MOTSP 2017

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb, Croatia, Croatian Association for PLM and University North, Varaždin, Croatia, are organising the 9th International Conference “Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production” (MOTSP 2017), which will take place on April 5-7, 2017, in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Conference is […]

HAZU i HRZZ – I. kolokvij: akademik Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, “Unaprjeđenje kulturnog nasljeđa u kontekstu urbanizma nasljeđa”

Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti i Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, u okviru ciklusa znanstvenih predavanja kojima će se predstaviti istaknuti hrvatski znanstvenici, organiziraju I. kolokvij koji će održati akademik Mladen Obad Šćitaroci pod naslovom “Unaprjeđenje kulturnog nasljeđa u kontekstu urbanizma nasljeđa“. Kolokvij će se održati u četvrtak, 23. ožujka 2017. […]

Kolačići: Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad ovih web-stranica, na vaše uređaje vršimo pohranu male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići. Uz prihvat Kolačića vaše pregledavanje stranice će se vršiti nesmetano, a u koliko ne prihvatite Kolačiće možda vam neki od sadržaja neće biti dostupni. Više informacija

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