Symposium on the Occasion of the European Antibiotics Awareness Day and the World Antibiotics Awareness Week

Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, Fran Mihaljević University Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA Croatia), Office of the World Health Organisation in Croatia, Croatian Physicians’ Assembly, Croatian Society for Clinical Microbiology, Croatian Society for Infectious Diseases, Croatian Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, Croatian Society for […]

The National and University Library Exhibition "The Renaissance Faustus Verantius"

On the occasion of the 400th Anniversary of Death of Faust Vrančić, the National and University Library in Zagreb is organising the Exhibition “The Renaissance Faustus Verantius”.  The Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition will be held on Monday, November 6, 2017, at 12:00 AM in the vestibule of the National […]

CANCELLED Lecture of Prof. Bojan Jerbić, PhD, "Challenges of the Digital Future"

The Lecture of Prof. Bojan Jerbić, PhD, “Challenges of the Digital Future”, which was scheduled for October 26, 2017, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb, has been cancelled because of the lecturer’s illness.  The interested parties shall be informed on the new term of the lecture […]

43. škola biološke antropologije “Dr. Hubert Mayer”: Novi horizonti u antropologiji

Povodom 25. godišnjice Instituta za antropologiju, 40. godišnjice European Anthropological Association, 40. godišnjice Hrvatskog antropološkog društva i 15. godišnjice studija Antropologije na Svečilištu u Zagrebu, pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti održat će se 43. škola biološke antropologije “Dr. Hubert Mayer”: Novi horizonti u antropologiji. Svečano otvorenje održat […]

“NAE’s Spotlight on Engineering, Technology, and Policy” (17. listopada 2017.)

National Academy of Engineering (NAE USA) objavila je novo izdanje elektroničkog biltena “NAE’s Spotlight on Engineering, Technology, and Policy” (17. listopada 2017.). NAE je, kao i HATZ,  članica CAETS-a (International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences) te najveća akademija tehničkih znanosti u ovoj uglednoj međunarodnoj asocijaciji. Bilten donosi […]

Poziv HAZU na predstavljanje knjige akademkinje Alice Wertheimer-Baletić

Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti i Izdavačka kuća Meridijani organiziraju predstavljanje knjige akademkinje Alice Wertheimer-Baletić “Demografska teorija, razvoj stanovništva Hrvatske i populacijska politika (Izbor radova)”, koje će se održati u četvrtak, 19. listopada 2017. s početkom u 13:00 sati u Velikoj dvorani Palače HAZU u Zagrebu, Trg Zrinskog 11. Pozivnica

Invitation to the Workshop "Satellite Monitoring of the Ground Shifts Caused by Earthquakes and Some Other Processes"

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Department of Natural Sciences and the Croatian Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics are organising the Workshop “SATELLITE MONITORING OF THE GROUND SHIFTS CAUSED BY EARTHQUAKES AND SOME OTHER PROCESSES”, which will take place in the HAZU Library Hall in Zagreb, 14 Strossmayer Square, […]

Round Table Discussion "E-Health: Protection of the Individual in View of Personal Data Processing..."

The Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences, Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Andrija Štampar School of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, are organising the Round Table Discussion “E-Health: Protection of the Individual in View of Personal Data Processing – The Effect and Impact of […]

Kolačići: Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad ovih web-stranica, na vaše uređaje vršimo pohranu male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići. Uz prihvat Kolačića vaše pregledavanje stranice će se vršiti nesmetano, a u koliko ne prihvatite Kolačiće možda vam neki od sadržaja neće biti dostupni. Više informacija

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