
Pursuant to Article 13 of the Associations Act (Official Gazette No. 74/14 and 70/17) and

Article 25 of the Statute of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (as of May 13, 2015)

the Assembly of the Croatian Academy of Engineering at its 34th  (electronic) session held on

April 29, 2018 passed the following






Article 1

This statute regulates the provisions on the name, seat, representation, seal and flag, objectives and scopes of activity as well as economic activities pursuant to the law and the way of ensuring the support of the public where the Croatian Academy of Engineering operates (hereinafter Academy). Furthermore, regulated are the provisions on the conditions and procedure of joining and termination of membership, rights and obligations, and disciplinary liability of members and the procedure of keeping the list of the members, on the Academy bodies, their composition and the way of convening  sessions, election, recall, powers, decision-making and terms of office and regular manner of convening the assembly as well as in the case of expiry of the mandate; election and recall of the liquidator of the Academy as an association, dissolution of the Academy; on the assets, the method of acquisition and disposition of assets; asset management in the event of the dissolution of the Academy, and on the manner of settling disputes and conflicts of interest within the Academy and other issues of importance for the Academy.

The Croatian Academy of Engineering is a scientific organization of distinguished and prominent scientists in the field of technical and biotechnical sciences (hereinafter “technical sciences”) with the objective of promoting technical sciences, gathering and encouraging co-operation of the scientists of different technical, biotechnical and other professions in order to support efficient scientific and economic development of Croatia without gaining any profit.

Members of the Academy may be natural persons and legal entities as stipulated by this Statute.

The Academy continued the work of the Croatian Academy of Engineering established on January 19, 1993 and registered by the Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 1643, Book II on January 25, 1993.  Its Croatian name Hrvatska akademija tehničkih znanosti was changed into Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske in accordance with the decision of the Croatian Parliament dated June 27, 1997 (Official Gazette No. 107/1997). The Academy was re-entered into the Register of Associations with the Ministry of Public Administration pursuant to the Associations Act (Official Gazette No. 70/1997 and 106/1997) dated October 13, 1998 by decision No. 515-02-02/8-98-4 under item 1146.


Article 2

As legal successor of the Croatian Academy of Engineering, the Academy is registered in the Register of Scientific Associations of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia under No. 2 in accordance with Article 29 of the Law on Scientific and Research Activities (Official Gazette 59/1996), i.e. Croatian Academy of Engineering is registered in the Register of Scientific Organizations of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports under No. 0338 in the scientific field of technical sciences by the decision of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports No. 533-08-09-0008 as of September 11, 2009.


Article 3

The full name of the Academy is: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske, and the abbreviated name of the Academy is: HATZ.

The full name of the Academy in English is: Croatian Academy of Engineering.

The name of the Academy in Latin is: Academia scientiarum technicarum Croatica.


Article 4

The seat of the Academy is in Zagreb.

The Academy has a seal that looks like this:

The Academy has a circular shaped seal of 36 mm in diameter with the text in capital letters in the upper inner edge of the rim: AKADEMIJA TEHNIČKIH ZNANOSTI HRVATSKE, as well as the text in small capital letters as the second line by the upper edge of the rim from inside: Croatian Academy of Engineering.

In the Centre of the seal there is a stylized emblem of the Academy with the text beneath it: Zagreb.

The Academy has the flag that looks like this:

The Academy has a rectangular shaped flag, size 200 x 100 cm, and dark blue with the white emblem of the Academy situated in the centre of the flag.

Blue colour of the flag is defined by following settings: H*(277), C*(40), L*(33); C (87), M (65), Y (3), K (0) and PANTONE Blue 268 CV.

The emblem of the Academy is circular in shape, of 57 cm in diameter. Between the outer and inner rim of the emblem there are the name and year of the foundation of the Academy in Latin, written in capital letters and Latin numerals: ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM TECHNICARUM CROATICA MCMXCIII.

In the centre of the inner rim of the emblem there is a stylized symbol of the Academy. Letter „H“ of the stylized emblem of the Academy is the biggest and it touches the inner rim of the emblem of the Academy in four places. Inside the letter “H” there is a letter “T” which is middle-sized and the horizontal (upper) line of which represents at the same time the horizontal (middle) line of the letter “H”. Above the letter “T” there is a letter “A” leaning to the letter “T”, and below the letter “T” there is a letter “Z” which does not touch the letter “T”. The letters “A” and “Z” are of the same size.


Article 5

The Academy is a legal entity functioning on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The Academy operates as a non-profit scientific organization in accordance with applicable laws which regulate the matter in detail. All the functions of the members are carried out voluntarily.

The activities of the Academy are public. The transparency of the work of the Academy is realized through its activities in the scientific and professional communities, public gathering at the meetings and scientific conferences, by publishing the results of the work of its members, issuing publications and other public activities.

The Academy may be a member of international scientific associations and organizations.

The collaboration with other associations and organizations is to be achieved on equal basis and under the condition of reciprocity.



Article 6

The objectives of the Academy are:

  • to be a leading creative and multidisciplinary scientific organization of the scientists of engineering and technological professions
  • to competently and actively contribute to the development of engineering sciences and the transfer of knowledge vital to the progress of Croatian economy and welfare of its people
  • to advocate a safe and useful application of technology, protection of environment and people from its inappropriate use
  • to promote professionalism and responsible behaviour with high ethical standards.

The Academy operates in accordance with the objectives in the field of education, science and research.

The activities of the Academy are:

  • basic, applied and development research
  • research and development in engineering
  • technical testing and analysis
  • activities of professional organizations
  • promotion and organization of scientific work
  • publishing of the results of scientific research
  • work on projects of national importance for the President of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Government, Croatian Parliament and ministries
  • work on scientific projects of the ministries, government agencies and firms
  • work on scientific projects financed by the EU and international organizations
  • drafting  of scientific studies, expertise, reports and projects
  • debating and expressing opinions about current scientific and economic issues
  • promotion of the transfer of technology to/from the Republic of Croatia
  • organization of scientific and professional conferences
  • publishing
  • cooperation with other academies at home and abroad.

Economic activities of the Academy are: publishing socially relevant books and other professional publications; organization of scientific conferences and projects.

Economic activities of the Academy are carried out not to gain any profit for its members or third parties, but in case of achieving surplus income over expenditure it is exclusively used to achieve the objectives of the Academy.



Article 7

The Academy organizes its activities in Departments, Centres, Standing Committees and other organizational forms. The activities and organization of work of the Departments, Centres, Standing Committees and other organizational forms are regulated by the Statute and bylaws and rules of procedure of these bodies.

Task management of the Academy is carried out by the Departments, Centres and Standing Committees.

The Departments, Centres and Standing Committees have no legal personality.

The bodies of the Academy are: Assembly of the Academy, Presidency of the Academy, Governing Board of the Academy, Scientific Council and Entrepreneur Council of the Academy.


Article 8


Departments of the Academy are:

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Bioprocess Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Department of Power Systems, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Department of Graphical Engineering, Department of Information Systems, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Communication Systems, Department of Transport, Department of Mining and Metallurgy, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department of Systems and Cybernetics and Department of Textile Technology.

The Department consists of the members of the Academy and associates of the Academy. In broader sense the Departments are also constituted of the International Members and Members Emeriti of the Academy.

The activities of the Department are elaborated in the Rules of Procedures of the Department.

The Departments are founded, divided, abolished and operated pursuant to the decision of the Assembly of the Academy.

The initiative to change the number of Departments is given by the Presidency, and the decision is made by the Assembly.


Article 9

Standing Committees

Standing Committees are inter-departmental bodies of overall importance for the work of the Academy. Prominent experts from business and persons who are not members of the Academy may collaborate in the Committees. The number of such members cannot be higher than 40% of the total number of the members of the Committee.

The standing committees are established according to the Organization Bylaw and activities of the Committee of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.

The initiative to establish a Committee is given by the Governing Board, and the decision is made by the Presidency.


Article 10


Centre is a scientific research unit of the Academy established for a specific field of science with the aim of conducting scientific research intended for immediate application in the economy. It is established in accordance with the Bylaw of the Organization of Centres of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.

The initiative to establish a Centre is given by the Departments, the proposal is determined by the Governing Board, and the decision is made by the Presidency of the Academy.

The Council of the Centres is a coordinative body of the Centres. Heads of the Centres are members of the Council. The members of the Council elect President of the Council of the Centres who will represent them at the Presidency of the Academy and reports on the activities of the Centres.


Article 11

Within the Departments and Standing Committees the mission and activities of the Academy are performed according to Article 6, and they are basic units of work of the Academy through the disciplinary division.

The activities of the Departments and Standing Committees, apart from those referred to in Article 6, are the following:

  • giving opinions and taking stands on the issues referring to their own scope of activities
  • proposing plans of their work to the Assembly
  • carrying out other functions from their field.


Article 12

The Presidency, Departments and Standing Committees make decisions at the meetings. The decisions are valid if more than half of the members with the right to vote are present. Decisions are accepted if passed by the majority vote of the members in attendance.

Voting may also be done electronically in accordance with the principles of voting from Article 19 of the Statute.



Article 13

At the head of a Department there is Secretary of the Department of the Academy, Head of the Centre of the Academy presides over each Centre and at the head of a Standing Committee there is Chairperson of the Committee of the Academy. Secretaries, heads and chairpersons have their elected deputies who take charge when their superiors are absent. They implement decisions and take special care about:

  • development and activities
  • attending duties
  • organization of the work
  • preparing and convening meetings
  • informing their members about taken and implemented decisions of the Presidency and the Assembly, as well as regular reporting to the Presidency about their activities.

In the bodies of the Academy a Department of the Academy is represented by the Secretary of the Department, Heads of the Centres of the Academy are represented by the President of the Council of the Centres, and each Standing Committee is represented by the Chairperson of the Committee. Secretaries of Departments and Chairpersons of Standing Committees will be elected for a term of four years with the possibility of re-election for a successive mandate.



Article 14

The Academy may establish councils, committees and other organizational forms of temporary character. Decision to establish such bodies will be taken by the Presidency.


Article 15

The Academy has Professional Services to perform administrative, technical, financial, accounting and other duties necessary for the realization of the activities of the Academy. The Secretary-General of the Academy is the head of the administration.

The Academy may entrust an authorized organization with a partial or complete performance of the duties from paragraph 1 of this Article, if it is so decided by the Presidency.



Article 16

Categories of the members of the Academy are as follows:

  • Associate Member of the Academy
  • Full Member of the Academy
  • International Member of the Academy
  • Member Emeritus of the Academy
  • Entrepreneur Member of the Academy
  • Honorary Member of the Academy and
  • Supporting Member of the Academy


Article 17

Criteria for the election into each membership category are:

  1. Associate Member of the Academy may be a citizen of the Republic of Croatia with the title of research associate or some higher title in the field of technical and/or biotechnical sciences who is elected by the Assembly at the proposal of the Presidency and who, when submitting the candidature for a member according to Article 23 of this Statute, commits in writing that after the election he/she will actively participate in the work of the Academy. Membership in the Academy of the Associate Member stops in the year when he/she celebrates seventy years of age.
  2. Full Member of the Academy may be a Croatian citizen with generally acknowledged scientific results and/or patents in the field of technical and/or biotechnical sciences who has the status of a scientific advisor or Full Professor of a university, who is elected by the Presidency of the Academy and who, on the occasion of submitting the candidature for a member according to Article 23 of this Statute commits in writing that after the election he/she will actively participate in the work of the Academy, take part in projects and activities of the Academy, contribute to its reputation and honour the Code of Ethics of the Academy. For a full member of the Academy may be elected a person who, according to the Bylaw on Membership of the Academy, meets certain conditions and has already collaborated with the Academy at least for three (3 years).
  3. International Member of the Academy may be a distinguished Croatian or foreign scientist in the field of engineering and/or biotechnical  sciences who meets the criteria for full membership in the Academy, with international reputation, living abroad and who is elected by the Presidency of the Academy,  and when submitting the candidature for a member according to Article 23 of this Statute commits in writing that after the election he/she will participate in the work of the Academy according to his/her best abilities.
  4. Member Emeritus of the Academy becomes every member of the Academy in the year in which he/she turns seventy five (75) years of age. Full Member of the Academy can become Member Emeritus of the Academy after turning seventy on personal request.
  5. Entrepreneur Member of the Academy may be a distinguished person from the Croatian economy with extraordinary personal contribution. In the Academy he/she plays an advisory role in the Entrepreneur Council of the Academy.
  6. Honorary Member of the Academy may be a distinguished Croatian or foreign scientist who meets the criteria for membership in the Academy and who, by his/her lifelong activity, has made a considerable contribution to the affirmation, recognition and reputation of engineering sciences in Croatia and abroad, and who is elected by the Assembly of the Academy at the proposal of the Presidency.
  7. Supporting Member of the Academy may only be a legal entity or a private donor. Decision about the admission is made by the Assembly of the Academy on the proposal of the Presidency. Representative of the legal entity for cooperation with the Academy is appointed by the person authorized to represent the legal person.

For a member of the Academy may be elected a person fulfilling the conditions laid down in the Bylaw on Membership of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.


Article 18

The procedure for the election of members and termination of membership as well as election criteria are stipulated by the Bylaw on Membership of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.


Article 19

Voting principles:

Starting from the need for allowing all members to participate in decision making by using an effective system of voting electronically, without necessarily attending and participating in the Assembly or other bodies of the Academy, following voting principles are stipulated:

Voting can be electronic, through ballots and by direct personal statement. Voting can be secret or public.

At the meetings of the bodies the Academy operational decisions are made by public voting (“yea”, “nay”, “abstain”) as a rule.

Elections and decision making bodies of the Academy will be conducted by electronic voting, except where provided otherwise by the Statute.

As a rule, elections and decision-making of the Academy bodies are conducted by public voting, unless otherwise provided by this Statute or the decision of the Academy bodies.

It is the right and obligation of each member of the Academy bodies to take part in voting.


Article 20

Membership of natural persons in the Academy is in principle life-long, except in special cases.

The Professional Services of the Academy keep the list of members in line with legal provisions and Bylaw on Membership of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.

The list of members is public and published   on the webpages of the Academy, and it is periodically published in printed matters of the Academy.

Conditions and procedure for the termination of membership are regulated in more detail by the Bylaw on Membership of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.


Article 21

Membership of Supporting Members of the Academy terminates at their request or by a decision of the Presidency.

A complaint can be filed against the decision on the termination of membership within 15 days of receipt of the decision. Final decision upon complaint is made by the Assembly. Decision of the Assembly is final and no complaint can be made against it.


Article 22

Members of the Academy have rights, obligations and responsibilities stipulated by the Statute, in particular:

  • act to the benefit of the Republic of Croatia in development and application of science in engineering sciences;
  • act to the benefit of the Academy in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the Academy;
  • participate in regular activities of the Academy;
  • be bound in writing by the above mentioned (during the candidacy) and take an oath (optional);
  • elect members of the bodies of the Academy and be appointed in them. Only full members and associate members of the Academy can be secretaries/deputy secretaries of the Departments, chairpersons of the Committees or heads of the Centres. Full member of the Academy or associate  member of the Academy  may have only two functions at the same time if not stipulated otherwise by the Statute;
  • participate in the work of the Departments, Standing Committees and occasional organizational forms;
  • participate in the work of the Assembly;
  • participate in voting in the bodies of the Academy (excluding entrepreneur members, honorary members and supporting members);
  • represent the Academy if it arises from their function in the Academy or if it is particularly entrusted upon them;
  • display their membership in the Academy in their writings and public appearances
  • participate in the work of the bodies of the foreign academies they have been elected in;
  • regularly pay the  membership fee and thus contribute to the financing  and work possibilities as well as  usual services to the Academy membership. The Presidency decides on the level of the membership fee.

Supporting Members of the Academy have rights, obligations and responsibilities stipulated by this Statute, and in particular:

  • proposing and participating in the work of the Academy and the bodies of the Academy;
  • proposing and participating in all activities, conferences, publications, auspices and projects of the Academy;
  • to be mentioned in the documents of the Academy and on the internet pages of the Academy as supporting members;
  • to observe and support the work of the Academy financially, materially and organizationally.


Article 23

Membership and activities in other associations, societies or any other forms of affiliation cannot be detrimental to the functioning and activities of the Academy and its bodies, nor question the objectives of the Academy, i.e. fully passivize the work of the member of the Academy. Such actions constitute a gross violation of the Statute and provide the basis for exclusion in accordance with Articles 20 and 21 of the Statute.

If among members of the Academy disputes of conflicts of interest arise, the members will seek to settle the dispute agreeably, but if they fail, the dispute shall be settled by the Ethics Committee, taking into account the legal and statutory provisions and other normative acts of the Academy.

There is a dispute/conflict of interest in the Academy if it comes to the rights and interests of the members of the Academy which can be used freely by the members and which affect the work of the Academy as a whole or if they are related to issues of common concern for all members.

The Ethics Committee of the Academy is responsible for settling disputes/conflicts of interest. The composition, mandate and decision making of the Committee shall be governed by the Code of Ethics adopted by the Assembly. In its work the Ethics Committee properly applies the provisions of the Conciliation Law.

The decision of the Ethics Committee is final.

If the dispute/conflict of interest relates to the decisions of the management bodies of the Academy on the basis of which the request for the registration of changes in the register of associations is submitted, which shall be decided by the competent office, the dissatisfied member at first addresses the Academy to settle the dispute/conflict of interest. After the final decision of the Ethics Committee the Academy submits the request for the entry of changes in the register of associations together with the decision of the Ethics Committee.





Article 24

The Assembly is the highest body of the Academy constituted of all categories of members listed in Article 16 of the Statute.

The right to make and pass decisions at the Assembly is vested in all Full Members, Associate Members, International Members and Members Emeriti of the Academy, except for decision making about appointment of  Associate Members in the Academy or the termination of membership. In that case the right to decide is only vested upon Full Members and Members Emeriti of the Academy.

The right to decide about elections for the Governing Board of the Academy is vested in Full Members, Associate Members, International Members and Members Emeriti of the Academy.

Honorary Members, Entrepreneur Members and Supporting Members of the Academy take part in the work of the Assembly without decision making rights.

President of the Academy, by his/her function, chairs the sessions of the Assembly.


Article 25

The Assembly of the Academy:

  • passes the Statute of the Academy and its amendments;
  • passes the Bylaw on Membership of the Croatian Academy of Engineering;
  • appoints the President, two Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-General of the Academy;
  • confirms the appointments of the Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of Departments;
  • makes decisions on joining federations, communities, networks and other forms of connecting associations;
  • passes decisions on the internal organization of the Academy;
  • passes decisions on classification of the members by Departments;
  • passes decisions on the appointment of Associate Members of the Academy;
  • confirms the appointments of Full Members, International Members, Members Emeriti, Entrepreneur Members and Honorary Members;
  • passes decisions on the cessation of membership in the Academy;
  • passes decisions on the election of the members of the Academy;
  • informs the members about the decisions passed;
  • draws up the program of activities and documents of the Academy, makes decisions on the change of objectives and activities and economic activities;
  • debates and passes decisions on the execution of the program of activities from the preceding period;
  • debates and passes decisions on the reports of the President, Departments Centres, Departments and Standing Committees;
  • decides on the acquisitions and management of the Academy assets
  • draws up and confirms the financial plan and final accounts;
  • determines the level of membership fee;
  • passes a decision on the establishment of legal entities;
  • passes a decision on the termination of the existence of the Academy and the division of the remaining assets of the Academy.


Article 26

The Assembly may decide in plenary session or outside the sessions by the electronic voting of all members of the Assembly.

Plenary sessions of the Assembly of the Academy may be regular or special. Regular Assembly is usually held at least one a year. Special Assembly is held according to need.

Plenary session of the Assembly is convened by the President of the Academy who is obliged to do it at the request of the Presidency or 1/10 of the Academy members. If the President of the Academy does not convene the Assembly within 15 days since of the receipt of the request, the Assembly will be convened by the Secretary-General of the Academy at the request of the proposer (the Presidency or 1/10 of all the members of the Academy).

If neither the Secretary-General of the Academy does convene the Assembly within 7 days since the receipt of the claim, the right to convene the Assembly will belong to the proposer (the Presidency or 1/10 of all the members of the Academy). The Assembly is convened by publishing on the website of the Academy with the agenda and invitation by e-mail.

If the mandate of the bodies of the Academy expires, the Assembly is convened by the last representing person entered in the Register of the Associations or 1/10 of members of the Academy entered in the list of members before the expiry of the mandate of the bodies of the Association.

The Assembly may discuss all matters on the agenda and may pass decisions if at least one quarter of the members who have the right to vote are present. The decisions are valid if they are passed by a majority vote of the members in attendance with the right to vote.

If the duly convened Assembly does not reach a quorum in line with the preceding item even after 30 minutes, a new session of the Assembly is convened in due time.


Article 27

President of the Academy may decide that on certain issues within the competence of the Assembly members of the Academy and other members with the right to vote opt electronically out of the session of the Assembly.

The proposal of the aforesaid decisions on vote is to be published on the website of the Academy and sent to the membership by e-mail.

For the validity of these decisions made electronically it is necessary that 2/3 of all members with voting rights vote, and a decision is valid if passed by a majority vote of all who voted.

To conduct electronic voting, the President of the Academy appoints a tripartite committee that organizes and monitors the voting and reports to the President in writing, by way of the protocol, about the voting results. Membership shall be notified by e-mail about the results of the voting.



Article 28

The Presidency of the Academy is the executive body of the Assembly.


Article 29

The Presidency of the Academy consists of: all members of the Governing Body of the Academy, Secretaries of Departments, President of the Council of the Centres and the Chairpersons of Standing Committees. If the mandate of any member of the Presidency of the Academy is terminated earlier, the member who comes in his place shall have a mandate to the end of the mandate of the member to whose position he/she has been chosen. The term of the office of the Presidency lasts 4 years. The same person may be re-elected to the same position only once more.


Article 30

The Presidency passes decisions at meetings. The decision is valid if the majority of members of the Presidency attends the meeting and if the decision is adopted by the majority of the members in attendance. Voting at the Presidency is public except when decisions are made about the elections, awards, and when at least five members of the Presidency asked for a secret ballot.

The member of the Presidency who is unable to participate in the activities of the Presidency shall inform the Presidency prior to the meeting and may vote before the meeting of the Presidency electronically if possible.


Article 31

Membership of the Presidency before the end of the mandate ceases on an individual’s request or on revocation.

In case of termination of membership on the basis of a personal request, the Presidency shall appoint the acting member until the election of a new member of the Presidency.

The decision on revocation is initiated by the Presidency, and the decision is made by the body which has elected the member, i.e. appointed him/her to the position on the basis of which he/she enters the Presidency.

Membership may be revoked in case of a member of the Presidency who, by his/her absence or inactivity, hinders the work of the Presidency, thus severely violating the provisions of the Statute or acting in contradiction with the objectives of the Academy.

The Presidency appoints an acting member until the revocation decision becomes legitimate.


Article 32

Meetings of the Presidency are held as required, six times a year as a rule.

The Presidency of the Academy is responsible for the following:

  • co-ordinates and supervises the work of the Departments, Centres and Standing Committees;
  • supervises the work of the Governing Board;
  • makes decisions about the proposals of the Departments, Centres and Standing Committees regarding their activities;
  • co-ordinates the work of the Departments in preparation for the elections at the Annual Assembly;
  • determines decision proposals for the Assembly and for electronic voting of the members;
  • confirms Heads of Centres and Chairpersons of the Standing Committees;
  • manages the assets of the Academy;
  • decides on publishing activities;
  • makes decisions on the change of address of the seat;
  • considers proposals of the Awards Committee and decides on the awards and acknowledgements;
  • monitors and promotes activities for the program execution of the Academy
  • decides on the establishment of temporary working bodies;
  • confirms proposed bylaws, rules of procedures and other acts determining particular issues concerning the work of the Academy, except those given to the responsibility of the Assembly;
  • temporarily transfers certain powers from the jurisdictions of the Governing Board to other members of the Presidency;
  • adopts the annual financial plan and  the program of the Science Foundation of the Academy;
  • adopts the financial plan and the final account of the Academy;
  • confirms the election of members of the Scientific Council of the Academy;
  • decides on the level of  the membership fee;
  • decides on the election of Full Members, International Members, Members Emeriti, Entrepreneur Members, Honorary Members and Supporting Member.



Article 33

The Governing Board of the Academy consists of 5 members:  President of the Academy, two Vice-Presidents of the Academy, Secretary-General of the Academy and Former President of the Academy. The mandate of the Governing Board lasts 4 years. The mandate of the Governing Board lasts as long as the function they perform in the Academy and on the basis of which they have become members of the Governing Board.

In the event that the President of the Academy is elected for the second consecutive mandate, or after the first mandate he/she is not able to be a member of the Governing Board, instead of the former President of the Academy, the fifth member of the Governing Board is elected on the proposal of the Nominating Committee for the Governing Body of the Academy.

In the event that the mandate of a member of the Governing Board ceases earlier, the Assembly elects a new member on the proposal by the president of the Academy and his/her mandate lasts to the end of the mandate of the member substituted. On the proposal by the president of the Academy the Presidency may appoint an acting member of the Governing Board from among the members of the Academy.

In the event of an earlier termination of the mandate of the President of the Academy the vice-president appointed by the Presidency acts on his behalf.

After two consecutive mandates, the members of the Governing Board cannot any more be elected to the next Governing Board of the Academy.

The Governing Board is convened by the President of the Academy. The Governing Board makes decisions at the meetings. The decision is valid if the majority of the members of the Governing Board attends the meeting and if the decision is adopted by the majority of the members in attendance. Voting at the Governing Board is public.


Article 34

The Governing Board administers the following:

  • prepares and organizes the Assembly;
  • carries out the resolutions of the Assembly;
  • manages the work of the Academy between two Assemblies
  • controls the Academy operations:
  • prepares draft decisions for the Presidency;
  • proposes Chairpersons, Deputy Chairpersons and Members of the Committees;
  • proposes Heads and Deputy Heads of the Centres;
  • monitors the execution of financial plans and programs of the Academy;
  • approves payments and fees for the execution of certain tasks and duties in accordance with the Regulations on the Acquisition and Allocation of Income of the Professional Services of the Academy;
  • decides on the participation of the Academy in the sponsorship of events, meetings and other activities from the scope of the Academy based on the opinions of relevant Departments.



Article 35

President of the Academy represents the Academy, convenes and presides over the sessions of the Assembly, Presidency, Scientific Council and Governing Board, and supervises decision making and execution of decisions.

President of the Academy acts on behalf of the Academy and manages its financial affairs. President of the Academy may assign particular areas of his/her authority to the Vice-Presidents and Secretary-General.

In the case of absence or indisposition of the President of the Academy, one of the Vice-Presidents or Secretary-General acts on behalf of the President, at the discretion of the President.

President of the Academy promotes activities of the Academy in administrative structures and in collaboration with industry in Croatia, and according to the program of the Academy in cooperation with foreign countries.



Article 36

The Vice-Presidents of the Academy and the Former President of the Academy or the fifth member of the Governing Board carry out tasks under the authority entrusted to them by the President of the Academy.



Article 37

The Secretary-General of the Academy organizes the work of the Professional Services of the Academy, prepares and organizes meetings of bodies, drafts decisions and documents of the Academy, coordinates the work of the bodies of the Academy, supervises the execution of the decisions made by the Academy, performs all tasks entrusted to him/her by the Assembly, the Presidency, the Governing Board and the President of the Academy.



Article 38

Scientific Council of the Academy is a scientific body of the Academy. Scientific Council of the Academy consists of the representatives of each Department (one per Department) and Chairperson of the Scientific Council. Members of the Scientific Council of the Academy shall be elected from among members of the Academy and Members Emeriti of the Academy by Departments for a period of two years with the possibility of reelection.

President of the Academy is by function a member and Chairperson of the Scientific Council. The President of the Academy may transfer the function of the Member and the President of the Scientific Council to one of the Vice-Presidents of the Academy. Each Department shall nominate one representative of the Department as a candidate for member of the Scientific Council. Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Department cannot be candidates for membership of the Scientific Council.

A decision on election of members of the Scientific Council (one per Department) is made by the Presidency on the proposal of each Department.

The Scientific Council carries out activities in the area of ​​scientific and professional activities of the Academy in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Council of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.



Article 39

The Entrepreneur Council of the Academy is an advisory body of the Academy concerning cooperation between the Academy and economy pursuant to Art. 6 of the Statute and the Rules of Procedure of the Entrepreneur Council of the Croatian Academy Engineering.

The Entrepreneur Council of the Academy consists of the Entrepreneur Members of the Academy. The Chairperson of the Committee for Economic and Regional Cooperation convenes meetings of the Entrepreneur Council of the Academy and presides over them.



Article 40

The Professional Services of the Academy perform all the professional, technical and organizational affairs of the Academy.

The number and type of employees and scope of work are stipulated in the Organization and Work Bylaw of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.



Article 41

For special contributions to science and profession and the achievement of the objectives and programs of the Academy, as well as the dedicated work that has contributed to its social recognition, the Academy grants annual awards. Prizes shall be awarded in the form of a certificate and an appropriate sum of money.

Academy Awards are:

  • Lifetime Achievement Award;
  • Annual Award;
  • Award for the Young Scientists.

Acknowledgements of the Academy are:

  • Medal of the Academy
  • Certificate of Appreciation of the Academy

Awards and acknowledgements of the Academy: the process of nomination for the Academy awards and acknowledgements and deciding on them is stipulated by the Bylaw on Awards and Acknowledgements of the Academy.



Article 42

The Academy has established the Science Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (hereinafter “the Foundation”). The objectives of the Foundation are the following:

  • co-financing of research projects involving the Academy
  • securing funding for the awards granted by the Academy
  • helping young scientists in technical and biotechnical professions, winners of the Award for Young Scientists Vera Johanides, to acquire skills and knowledge and to stimulate their international affirmation through education, attendance at scientific meetings and through promotion in scientific work and research.

The Foundation is managed by the Committee appointed by the Assembly of the Academy on the proposal of the Presidency.


Article 43

The Foundation achieves its funds through donations from the economy, state budget, part of the revenues of the Academy, and gifts or donations from natural persons or legal entities. A decision to accept funds for the activities of the Foundation is made by the Board of the Foundation on the basis of its annual program adopted by the Presidency of the Academy.

The work of the Foundation is run in accordance with the Rules on the Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Engineering issued by the Presidency.



Article 44

The Academy earns income for its activities from the following sources:

  • funds for the work of non-governmental and non-profit organizations
  • funds for the work of scientific associations
  • means achieved through its activities as a scientific organization
  • funds for publishing socially relevant scientific books and other professional publications
  • income from the organization of scientific conferences
  • income from the sale of publications
  • funds for the drafting of studies for government agencies or authorities and other institutions that are interested in cooperation with the Academy
  • membership fees of the Supporting Members, and other forms of membership or participation of the members, Centres of the Academy
  • gifts, donations or legacies
  • compensation of members (membership funding common services)
  • other income earned from the activities in accordance with the law.

The Academy earns income by achieving its goals and tasks pursuant to the Statute, the Law on Associations, the Law on Financial Operations and Accounting of Non-Profit Organizations and other laws and regulations.

The method of earning and distributing the Academy’s income is stipulated by the Bylaw on Earnings and Distribution of Income of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.

Income or profit as results of the activity may be used exclusively for the promotion and activities of the Academy for achieving the objectives stipulated by the Statute.


Article 45

The Academy distributes funds in accordance with the annual financial plan to accomplish its activities.



Article 46

The Academy ends up with its work by the decision of the Assembly, by virtue of the law or by decision of a governmental body. In the event of termination, the assets of the Academy, upon paying off the creditors and expenses of the liquidation and other procedures, shall belong to the University of Zagreb. The assets of the Academy cannot be divided among its founders, members, persons authorized to represent, employees and the persons connected with them.

The liquidator of the Academy is nominated and recalled by the Assembly. The liquidator may be a full member of the Academy, an associate member or a member emeritus of the Academy, but it is not necessary that he/she in membership of the Academy.

The liquidator represents the Academy in the liquidation procedure, and upon opening the liquidation procedure he/she is entered in the register of the liquidation and deletion procedure of associations as the person authorized to represent the Academy until the termination of the liquidation and deletion process of the Academy from the Register of the Associations.



Article 47

The interpretation of the provisions of this Statute is provided by the Assembly of the Academy, and the interpretation of other acts of the Academy is provided by the President of the Academy.

All the procedures initiated during the previous Statute shall be carried out under the provisions of the previous Statute.

Upon the entry into force of this Statute, the Statute of the Croatian Academy of Engineering as of May 13, 2015 becomes invalid.

This Statute shall be published on the website of the Academy and shall enter into force upon its adoption.

The terms used for natural persons in this Statute are of male gender, but they are neutral and refer both to male and female persons.


In Zagreb, April 29, 2018

Croatian Academy of Engineering


Prof. Vladimir Andročec, Ph.D.






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